Monday, June 7, 2010

More Inspi



Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer Days

When the bell of my highschool rang, I wanted to scream the words, "What time is it?!"
"Summer Time!" As cheesy as it is. It would've worked if we had the red fire alarms, that makes people's ears bleed. Okay. Weird image.
It's always been awhile when I'm trying to write a blog... But I'll try to do it more efficiently, thanks to the comment of Mr. Fig.
Thank God to Salvation Army. Here's the story.
Long, long, long, time ago, in a country far far away, there was a little booger brained girl named Dona. Inspired by the fashion designers that make too much over priced clothing, she wanted to try something different. Something unique, like all the cool people who blogged did. Seriously. Everybody did this cool thing. It was the Happenin'.
Rushing to the nearest Value Village, she desperately hopped about to scourge for Balenciaga's in the store thrift store. Unfortunately, booger brained Dona failed. Yes, Failed, with a capital F. BUT Alas, she stepped in to another dimension, just to find a salvation (no pun intended).
In this store, there were a lot of granny panties, along with some combat boots. It was nothing compared to Relic (UK), but she found... dun dun dun...a wool blazer, a weird looking vest, and a padded army blazer! Wheee! Dona pranced back home with her newly bought clothing and ran home The End.
Yes. My life is sooo cool. Really? I guess it sounds lame from the far view, but I have to admit, I was pretty happy. I hope I achieve adapting the old, vintage look.
So here are some of my inspirations for life and summer. Just laid back, every thing shot in Diana camera kinda feeling.
A recent obsession with flowers and petals? Maybe.



an 80s flashback. I love how the lipsyncing is totally off...
"I will never be hip."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tim Walker

So, during my photography class, I came upon to research upon Tim Walker by the help of my lovely sister Shina. I've seen his ever so fantastical photographs in the daily fashion magazines, but never had the chance to look into his works. More like; I was to lazy to go on the internet, but wasn't lazy enough to go on Facebook. Anyhoo, here are some of his photos... PS; I should probably be studying for my español.

Sasha Pivovarova looks adorable, doing the half opened lips pose, holding a Dutch wannabe cup, and the perfect bowl hat.


(sorry folks, I accidentally deleted Lily Cole):edit

Yes, well, as my sister said, "Big Images Are Good." Somehow, I think I will agree with her.
I haven't been posting consistently. It's almost the end of the semester. Also, I would like to have a Louise Brooks inspired hairstyle. I hope it would work on my head, because if things turn out for the worse, I'm going to look like Spock from Star Trek.
Good bye for now!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Late Post

Sorry for this extremely late post; I've been so caught up with homework from school. It's almost the last month of obedience institution. As you can see, I am not quite the fashion hippie (which my goal is by the end of 2010; a least but not last, hope new resolution.), it's hard in my situation ( living admist cornfields and soybean fields) to go shopping, or "vintage" shopping on eBay. I deserve a spanking.
But it's not like I've been doing homework everyday, to be truthful. I've watched Big Fish (2003), directed by the ingenious and sort of eery man (if you would be in a situation one on one) Tim Burton. Now I have another star-struck crush in my life; Ewan McGregor. Sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh. Along with Johnny Depp, Julian Casablancas, and Elliot Cowan. Here is my teenage girl rant about (in a high and squeaky voice) 'boys boys boys!'. Yesh.
Back to the story! The scenes from Big Fish are somewhat a mixture of a slight fantasy and reality. It's not all fairies and rainbows, but it itches the slight magical life we might've dreamt in the real world. From the town of Spectre to circuses, Tim Burton manages to create a heartfelt story along with many grotesque ones.
Ewan McGregor with Alison Lohman. Imagine a very devoted (not to mention very adorable) person getting the beating of his life time to be with you. Although that sounds cheesy, it triggers a hopeless romance in my brain. More heavy sighs.

Just more screencaps from the movie. Hundreds of daffodils and Ewan McGregor as Edward Bloom/Mrs. Burton as the weird albino eyed witch/The ending of the story which brought tears to my puny eyeballs/The town of Spectre, somewhat strange, and one of the townsmen looks like the clown from It

Now about school.
I'm entering this art show for fun, and my vision is a mouth eating a mechanical TV, where eyes pierce through it. It's very metaphorical, and it would help if I would draw it. But I'm to lazy to draw, so you'll just have to wait till I'm finished with the painting by this week. Argh; I have to finish the painting, memorize 20 lines of Romeo and Juliet, and study for a Science test on Wednesday, along with an academic Superbowl contest tommorow. Hyuck hyuck, yes, I am those unfortunate nerds who care about their academics. Did I mention I'm in the tennis team? Hyuck hyuck. Ain't life wonderful.
I absolutely hate it when teachers assign horrible memorization homework. I understand it would benefit me as I grow up into an adult in college, but I can't handle stage stress/fright. I can memorize things well, but when I stand right infront of the class room. BAM! "Uhh uhh, I can't really seem to remember the rest!" Phhpt. Sorry. I'm adding too much stressful onomatopoeias.
Apart from that, I'd like to show off some of my January water colours.

Yes, I was quite inspired by Oleg Oprisco, who creates divine photographs that need to be worshiped. Google him, try to understand the words on his site, click some gibberish and you'll see wonders. Also, I was inspired by Gustav Klimt who is already worshipped for decades.

Another random artwork. I despised the model's mouth. She looks like someone replaced her teeth with Tic Tacs. Yum. Although grotesque. Yes, she has lazorbeam eyeballs like Superman, although not as fiery.

So, here comes the end of my post. Listen to the Requiem for inspiration of some freaky horror story (I just finished one), or Sweet Disposition by the Temper Trap. Or if you prefer some Bob Marley, which I will listen to right at this moment for some Jamaican feel, you do that. I'm ranting. I have to stop.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To my Loving people reading.. are you?

Sorry for not posting lately (about a month). I've been so caught up with homework and other crap that my present obedient centre gives me (ahem, school). Spring Break disrupted my blog writing as well.
More things to come this following week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Marc Jacobs Spring 2007

I flipped around daily do's and don'ts, and regularly, without fail, checked
I honestly hate this addictive website; I can't help but to stay on the computer, perceiving visions of youtube to my eyeballs. This modern technological sight definitely shames me. I mean, come on, I waste more than four hours, browsing on the site. I felt like Howie from the Benchwarmers, paranoid of the natural world, confined in my primitive, computer obsessed state. But I'm not here to complain. Youtube has provided to inspire me with efficiency. Especially when you can't move around; my feet is abnormally behaving strangely.

Before I started my Ugly Betty marathon, I happen to stop by at this video with over 16 million views; Five Little Monkeys. Ring a bell? The guy who sings this sounds like a man who's nose is plugged up with Tic Tacs.

AFTER watching this ever-so motivating video, my eyes glazed over when I started watching Ugly Betty. AHH!! The couples Matt and Betty are THE couple along with many others; Tarzan and Jane, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, Anne and Gilbert. Sorry for the obsession of a telenovela. I just happened to be enthusiastic. When I watch TV shows, I can get quite caught up with them. Especially when I've watched the show from when it was a wee baby with life until its death. Unfortunately, Ugly Betty TV show is near its death. Hear the death tolls ringing in the distance? Just pray they continue the show.

Providing me other bits of info on youtube, I discovered a documented Marc Jacobs, when he had his longer hairdo, transparent mustard glasses, and forever wearing Reeses Pieces shirt. I saw this video, where it shows strenuous, grueling, and chaotic work of a designer. And I literally thought it was Camp Fun and Games only with egotistic people. Don't blame me, I have a picturesque view of the fashion industry from being influenced by *ahem ahem*, Ugly Betty.
It really opened my eyes. There's always people who do the smallest jobs to the biggest. Someone has to take care of the shoes, buttons, accessories, design, models, buildings, runway, the clothing that the entourage would wear.
Here's the video. Does it inspire you? Maybe, maybe not.

Right now, I'm wishing for a movement. Something like the 60s, New Wave, Grunge. And I wish that my desk at school would suddenly vanish into air, and ivy plants would start to grow on the chalk board, and grass would start to grow through the vomit carpet. I dream too much sometimes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Jungle Moment

So, it's been a while I blogged. Decided to write some blah about my daily, monotonic life.
There was a nautical themed accessory by a prominent fashion designer (I completely blanked out), that I can't quite remember. But they had the whole "Under the Sea" jewelry line. If anyone who's reading knows who this designer is please tell me. I'm not going to buy their jewelry; it's those nagging interests that you just have find out. (Here comes another story) I once walked into American Eagle to be greeted by clones of their staff, "Do you need any help?"
They're probably suspicious of teenagers walking alone with a huge ski jacket that swallows half of their body. So, trying to blend in with the surrounding, I hopped down on their leather chairs. By the time I knew it, I found out that I was wasting my time, eyeing the customers and watching their "music" TV. Just as I was about to step right outside, I heard this amazing song that after two months I tried to find on the internet. Thank god for online resources. So after rummaging sites, I found that this "amazing, uber" song was called "Can't Believe a Single Word" by VHS or BETA. Don't watch the video, just listen to song.
SO, somebody out there, please tell me what the ocean themed jeweler is.

Anywho, how, when, what, and where, I visited our lovely mall in the middle of nowhere. I know how all the upbeat fashionistas prance around in vintage thrift stores or shop online in Chanel or Prada, but I being the unique informer of fashion had to just enter Forever 21. Most blogs rant about their personal styles, but I (remember, I am a unqiue *sigh* informer) just had to escape my dreadful boring weekend to "spend" an hour of paradise at the mall. By the way, to the down to earth people, I am being sarcastic.
Everything revolves around the planet. Style revolves around fashion. Everything I saw was floral, pastel, and laces. Hmm... The commoners are catching up with the high branded society no? I walked around to see a lot of things that I admired. But being the Unique I, I bought two things. for $8. I don't like to spend money that much; I like to save more than I spend.

Ring #1: Snakey wakey.

Ring #2: I think it's a jaguar or a cheetah. I think I want to chase the jungle look.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 5


So, I turned 15 on March 5th, and celebrated and congratulated myself by watching Alice in Wonderland, directed by Tim Burton. Hmm. Words cannot describe how awestruck I was (in a neutral way by putting my fingers beneath my chin and making a "tsk tsk" noise). So okay, I recognized a lot of actors I've seen in many other movies, this guy who destroys jane austen's love life is Hamish (the one who proposes under the gazebo), a creeper version of Willy Wonka is Stayne, Knave of Hearts, and the whole usual motley crew of Tim Burton. He's up to his own tricks, by having a mouse stabbing an eyeball and pushing it out (I KNOW IN A PG-13 MOVIE!! *sarcasm noted*) and dead head stepping stones which familiarly reminded me of Lord of the Rings films. Pretty much all the travelers needed was a Gollum/Smeagol. Oh right, then, Johnny Depp (amazing!) pretty much had to do this hip hop, jazzy fiddle in the middle of a war field. It would've been nice if he actually danced groovily, but unfortunately, technology destroyed the humor. His torso turns clockwise as his bottom turns the opposite, accompanied by a random funk music.
Everything was fantastical, the graphics, the whole destroyed wonderland scene, but Tim Burton could've created a master piece plot. I guess that didn't really happen.
And what happened to the crazy 3D effects that started from the 90s? 2000? Coraline, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland had what you called '3D', but now, they aren't as popping. I could feel the dimensions changing, but I didn't have the urge to reach out my arms to touch whatever would fall in front of myself. Even Spy Kids 3 had better immature 3D-ness. I might be wrong in this matter because that movie I saw when I was in grade 3. Perspectives change!
Well, besides all my negative comments, I loved the fashion of Alice, played by Mia Wasikowska.

Dress looks very suspiciously nice.

About the acupuncture thing; it's a sin? I thought it was poking needles at your body to lose tensions. Radically incorrect I would suppose to some "faithful" people.

I'm having those movie marathons, watched this and that, oh and this one too. Well, I just watched three, and that is Alice in Wonderland, The Lovely Bones, and a whole season of Ugly Betty, which is so funny makes my stomach want to hurl itself onto the floor. I love fashion, but it's funny to see a comedy mock up version of it. Too bad the show's going to be canceled. At home, we don't have cable or a TV, so I have to get in scoop with the world online, which suits me.
I should probably reading; (my book list)-> Notre Dame, Re-read The Lovely Bones, Catcher in the Rye, and this book where a dog is upside down by a mister Haddon.

For a birthday present, I am excited to receive a sewing machine plus three cds. Catch you later. Entertain yourself by watching this. So much for Alice in Wonderland Infatuation.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ra ra prada ra da.

Sorry for the Lady Gaga moment (up there in the title); it was those random spur of the moment things like all of a sudden you want to eat the herbal shampoo while taking a shower, and you find out it doesn't taste so herb-ally and fruity. Not saying that I tried my Red Ken Body Full shampoo. *Ahem*.
Well, to relate to my title, I have posted up some pictures ( below

Prada Fall 2010


Reminds me of the 60s-70s. Cat eye glasses; no wait, edit that, more like acrylic, arched, neon eyebrow glasses. The woman in yellow with all the rubber fabric reminds me of a plastic era. Plastic plastic plastic. The dark undertones of the colors being used makes a very neutral tone to this series. All of this style, the high bun, glasses, loafers to knits, is of a teacher going through fashion phases of the modern world. Though Prada created contrasting textures, I can't help but to notice that these models wearing the clothing reminds me of teachers with yardsticks or 1960 graduation photos plastered on the halls of my highschool.

Penny Loafers

I've got to get leather penny loafers some day. Not because Prada designed 'em, but for the sake of Nancy Drew. Sigh, the shoes are so refined and polished, glittering under the star lit skies of canvas. The whole clean knitted school teacher to Twiggy version of clothing is quite inspiring.

Okay. More posts to come, but my eyelids are getting heavy. Apparently, the heaviest part of your body is the eyelids (metaphorically speaking).

p.s. i'd like to discuss later on how people (conservative) think that acupuncture is a sin.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I see KW clonings

Blog TopShop Unique 1

Blog Topshop Unique 2

Blog Topshop Unique 3

Blog Topshop Unique 4
Topshop Unique Autumn/Winter 2010-2011 from

Sorry for the late post, but recently I checked out Topshop's latest Autumn/Winter 2010-2011 collection, and I could find myself reminiscing about the absurd yet nostalgic movie, Where The Wild Things Are/Imogene's antlers. The tattered garments sewn across shoulders, while the fur sympathized with the matted hairdo made imagine myself having a spur of the moment; running around in the forest, laughing along with the wolves who had diamonds.
The littered autumn leaves created the warmth feeling soothing the barbaric eyebrows, as well as the clothing pieces. PERSONALLY, I think the second photo (dreadlocked poncho) wasn't as likable as the other ones. It reminded me of a time when I accidentally put a soft wool vest in the laundry and I looked like a road kill sheep.
Yet, these pieces, no matter how "savage" or "ferocious" or even "barbaric", they seem to enchant a presence of tranquility, a good time to be young again, running wild without the world on your shoulders. Yes, you could say that I'm a wee bit too much influenced by the Wild Things movie.
Imogene's Antlers by David Small is a children's story. As I can see *wink wink* it seems to have a vague similarity of the Topshop Unique collection. So while you reminisce about the past, I'm going to go to sleep, forcing my brain to conjure up a dream of unibrowed people with antlers and gypsy costumes.

Sunday, February 21, 2010



I just went into Luxirare, and found interesting edible crayons. Of all assorted colours and flavors. It's really coincidental because just yesterday, I listened to an interview with my sister and this guy from the 1930s (I think), and he explained that some people were desperately hungry from starvation that the kids would eat wax crayons. I'm not sure I tried eating crayons, but at the same time, I think I did, for fun. As a kid.
I can imagine the wax stuck between the gums of my teeth, forever trying to pick them out with a cheap Chinese restaurant tooth pick.
But now, you can even create your edible crayons from this website
I should probably stop talking about food. Yesh, I think I need a cheeseburger.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Girl with Red Lipstick
So... Paint on my Fingertips. Listening to some psychedelic MGMT song "Of Moons, Birds, & Monsters".
I was beginning to get bored trying to practice my spanish h/w, so I flipped the cue cards around and began drawing with pencil, marker. I think it would've been better if this person/whatever had their tongue sticking out. My sister had to state that the drawing was of an Iranian women (no pun intended), and I had to be antagonistic towards her.
I insisted furiously that it was McQueen inspired lipsticked woman mimicking a failed Louise Brooks hairstyle. With Ali Michael eyebrows. And the makeup... no comment.
I guess this is how I feel at the moment; in pieces of a puzzle with a 100o pieces. I go to a private school, and they don't offer amazing courses such as journalism, fashion design, for informative technology (where you make movies). Their art courses aren't even strong at all. At the same time, I want to graduate an American university. At the same time, I want to move back to Canada (home). Argh! I think, though I am fourteen, puberty is striking me with a slap. Hard in the face. I never knew why people with "adolescence" had a difficult school year (screaming, breaking, taking drugs etc.) Now I understand. I'm confused as ever. Eek; Got to sort this out soon.

Friday, February 19, 2010

TGIF + McQueen

Today, I painted the face of Sound of Music with my art teacher and sister.
It was strenuous; our blood of toils and sweat were lain upon the mixture of paints, grassy blue, sea green, and the shades of the Alps. I sound like the cook in Matilda, where the cook states that she has her blood and sweat inside the chocolate cake. Crap. Now I'm in jeopardy. I ate chocolate cake. It had very candied taste of chocolate, and every time I licked my lips, the oil of the chocolate remained on my lips, no matter how much I tried to wipe it off. Oh well, no matter how gross it sounds, I will forever love chocolate. Deelish.
Also, I vowed myself to buy three CDs. Cat Power, Phoenix, and. and. more. Maybe the Doors. Argh. I wish there was a Dictionary of Indie Rock Artists dead and alive. That would be quite freaking awesome. "Freaking" is a intense intensifier.
Am still upset of McQueen's death. He was quite the genius of the fashion industry. Glossy overdosed lipstick, the pastel lavender rumbled to create the perfect ancient century woman of powdered hair and face. The genius.
Alexander McQueen 16 March 1969 – 11 February 2010
Photo from CBC NEWS (Stefano Rellandini/Reuters)

Please fly, Mr. Superman of Flying Arts. Reach for the bedazzled stars, stars embedded in the embers of the violet skies.

Monday, February 15, 2010


So, I haven't really introduced myself yet, because of the splurge of the poems and elaborate words. Yet arts and writing are a per se to my life. Anyways, my name is Dona. It means grape vine yard. Funny, because I don't drink wine. Hahaha. I'm known for being serious with corny failing jokes, an ardor for le dernier cri, and entertaining myself by looking like a dingbat schmuck. Yes, schmuck is actually a word. I'm having fun at this blogging; and am trying to get a dung filled head of inspiration as I'm on the computer. I just also noticed that my fingers turn purplish blue when I'm on the computer; Palmare PlayStation Hidradenitis? I hope not, I mean, I don't go on the computer 24/7 a day.

My sister sometimes calls me crater head. I wonder why.

I think I'm really bored, flaring up my nostrils and my lips.

Yup. I'm bored.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Unicorn

The white unicorn
As pure as innocence
So spell binding wasn't it?
All the men, women, children, lied,
to have seen this mysterious
and phenomenal beast
It pranced around caroling freedom
Its horn gleamed along the sunlight like icicles
too precious to be dined
as a feast on impecunious children
They say to catch a glimpse will be rewarded with
precious metals unspoken
of or wisdom naught differentiated
with those of Solomon
Oh the freedom! The Freedom!
But on one unfaithful day
where sun gleamed and
grinned to burn down the moon
The hunt of the unicorn
A Hunter too greedy with beetle eyes
captured the poor creature!
They say the unicorn knew of its death,
foretelling its own story
They say the unicorn started to cry
as it was cornered in the murdered forest
It grieved and lamented for itself
Alas, is this all for the unicorn?
Captured in a cage
to dream up its fanatical whimsies?
Dazing in drunken stupor?
Wishing it to be on its four feet,
being the King of Captivity?
The Unicorn, captured,
as hunters smiles faltered dies inside confinement
Two hearts were broken
that unfortunate day
Just two
The Unicorn who died of a dearth of liberation
The Hunter who's beetle eyes had no jewels to feast on
The Unicorn in Captivity

The Hopeless Romantic

When I die, I wish to comeback as one of her tears
What man would be so lucky
As to have been conceived in her heart,
Born in her eyes,
Live on her cheeks,
And die at her lips?
