So, I haven't really introduced myself yet, because of the splurge of the poems and elaborate words. Yet arts and writing are a per se to my life. Anyways, my name is Dona. It means grape vine yard. Funny, because I don't drink wine. Hahaha. I'm known for being serious with corny failing jokes, an ardor for le dernier cri, and entertaining myself by looking like a dingbat schmuck. Yes, schmuck is actually a word. I'm having fun at this blogging; and am trying to get a dung filled head of inspiration as I'm on the computer. I just also noticed that my fingers turn purplish blue when I'm on the computer; Palmare PlayStation Hidradenitis? I hope not, I mean, I don't go on the computer 24/7 a day.
My sister sometimes calls me crater head. I wonder why.
I think I'm really bored, flaring up my nostrils and my lips.

Yup. I'm bored.
Cute blog
Im new tooo
Aw thanks for the comment, so sweet. You'll get there! Just keep writing, at first I thought nobody was reading mine then, i dont know. But I like yours so far so keeep writing!
keep stopping by
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