"Summer Time!" As cheesy as it is. It would've worked if we had the red fire alarms, that makes people's ears bleed. Okay. Weird image.
It's always been awhile when I'm trying to write a blog... But I'll try to do it more efficiently, thanks to the comment of Mr. Fig.
Thank God to Salvation Army. Here's the story.
Long, long, long, time ago, in a country far far away, there was a little booger brained girl named Dona. Inspired by the fashion designers that make too much over priced clothing, she wanted to try something different. Something unique, like all the cool people who blogged did. Seriously. Everybody did this cool thing. It was the Happenin'.
Rushing to the nearest Value Village, she desperately hopped about to scourge for Balenciaga's in the store thrift store. Unfortunately, booger brained Dona failed. Yes, Failed, with a capital F. BUT Alas, she stepped in to another dimension, just to find a salvation (no pun intended).
In this store, there were a lot of granny panties, along with some combat boots. It was nothing compared to Relic (UK), but she found... dun dun dun...a wool blazer, a weird looking vest, and a padded army blazer! Wheee! Dona pranced back home with her newly bought clothing and ran home The End.
Yes. My life is sooo cool. Really? I guess it sounds lame from the far view, but I have to admit, I was pretty happy. I hope I achieve adapting the old, vintage look.
So here are some of my inspirations for life and summer. Just laid back, every thing shot in Diana camera kinda feeling.
A recent obsession with flowers and petals? Maybe.

an 80s flashback. I love how the lipsyncing is totally off...
"I will never be hip."